Changes of Address

Here are three recent moves by senior people in the field:

  • Peter Adamson, who has long taught at King’s College/London, is now professor at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. He retains a 20% position at King’s, but that will expire at the end of 2013.
  • Stephen Menn has taken the chair of ancient philosophy at the Humboldt-Universität in Berlin. He retains his position at McGill, however, and expects to be teaching a full load there in the next academic year. [This corrects the original post.]
  • Calvin Normore, who has recently been splitting his time between McGill and UCLA, has now taken emeritus status at McGill and returned to being full-time at UCLA. He tells me, and I quote, “I’d like it known that I’m back at UCLA and plan to be here for the next 15.5 years!”

As ever, if I neglect to mention something, that’s almost certainly because I don’t know about it. Please don’t be shy about sending me information!

A new editor at Vivarium

After six years as editor of Vivarium, Lodi Nauta (Groningen) announced this past summer that he is stepping down. Beginning in January 2013, Chris Schabel (Cyprus) will take over the job, with William Duba (Fribourg) serving as assistant editor.

Also, as Brill editor Julian Deahl announces in a note at the start of the latest issue, Vivarium is making a change to its title. After much discussion about whether to change the main title itself to something more descriptive (The Journal of Medieval Philosophy?), it has been decided to change the subtitle. Formerly, that subtitle read ‘An International Journal for the Philosophy and Intellectual Life of the Middle Ages and Renaissance.’ The new subtitle is ‘Journal of the History of Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy.’ This would seem to capture better the journal’s philosophical orientation. It also indicates a movement away from ‘Renaissance’ as an historical category for philosophy, and toward a picture of later medieval philosophy as continuous with early modern philosophy. I do not know whether Vivarium will actually begin to publish material on Descartes et al.

Some 2012 Books

Joël Biard, Science et nature: la théorie buridanienne du savoir (Vrin, 2012).

José Filipe Silva, Robert Kilwardby on the Human Soul: Plurality of Forms and Censorship in the Thirteenth Century (Brill, 2012).

Felicitas Opwis and David Reisman (editors), Islamic Philosophy, Science, Culture and Religion: Studies in Honor of Dimitri Gutas (Brill, 2012).

Richard de Mediavilla, Questions disputées, ed. Alain Boureau (Les Belles Lettres, 2011-), 6 vols. [If I may be allowed an editorial comment, this is quite a major publication. It edits an impressive set of disputations, from the end of Richard’s life, which amounts to a systematic treatise covering much the same territory as Summa theologiae 1a. Until now, it has been available only in manuscript. The edition of the Latin comes with a facing French translation. Three volumes are now in print, with a fourth scheduled for later this year.]

Henrik Lagerlund and Paul Thom (editors), A Companion to the Philosophy of Robert Kilwardby (Brill, 2012).

Paul Thom, The Logic of the Trinity: Augustine to Ockham (Fordham, 2012).

J. T. Paasch, Divine Production in Late Medieval Trinitarian Theology: Henry of Ghent, Duns Scotus, and William Ockham (OUP, 2012).

E. L. Saak, Creating Augustine: Interpreting Augustine and Augustinianism in the Later Middle Ages (OUP, 2012).

Tobias Hoffmann (editor), A Companion to Angels in Medieval Philosophy (Brill, 2012).

Thomas Manlevelt, A Token of Individuality: Questiones libri Porphirii, ed. Alfred van der Helm (Leiden, 2012). [Available free at].

No doubt I have missed some things. Please send references and I will post another list later this fall.

Some Fall Conferences

 The Berlin-Toronto Workshop in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy (Toronto) Oct. 12-13

University of Western Ontario Medieval Workshop (London, Ontario) Oct. 18-20 (The topic is Modality and Modal Logic in Medieval Philosophy)

Aristotelian Logic and Metaphysics (Indiana) Oct. 20-21

Questions on the Soul by John Buridan and Others (Fordham) Oct. 26-28. (Gyula Klima tells me he hopes the edition of Buridan’s Quaestiones de anima will appear in early 2014, published in four volumes by Fordham University Press.)

ACPA (Los Angeles) Nov. 2-4. (Ed Hauser tells me they received a record number of submissions this year, which he credits to the topic: Philosophy in the Abrahamic Traditions)

Modal Logic in the Middle Ages (St. Andrews) Nov. 22-23

Welcome to “In medias”

I am beginning this blog in the hopes of being able to assemble in one place the latest information pertaining to scholars of medieval philosophy. The blog will never indulge in rants or half-baked philosophical musings, but will confine itself to news and notes of general interest to our community. That there is a medieval philosophy community, made up of scholars from around the world, is one thing that I hope to help promote.

The blog’s intended scope can be seen from the five categories of posting that I anticipate:

  • Conferences
  • Jobs
  • Publications
  • Queries from Scholars
  • Study Opportunities

I encourage interested parties to sign up (on the right of the screen) for email updates. There will only be perhaps one post per week.

If you would like me to post something, please send me an email <>. And of course comments to posts are welcomed.

Bob Pasnau