Cusanus Society

Here are two calls for papers from the American Cusanus Society with deadlines at the end of this week:

American Cusanus Society panel sessions at the Renaissance Society of America conference, Berlin (Humboldt-Universität), 26-28 March 2015

American Cusanus Society panel sessions at the 50th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo (Western Michigan University), 14-17 May 2015

Into summer

I’ll be away from home for the next two months, which makes this a good time to put this blog into its summer mode, with limited posts. Of course, please continue to send me things, though I may save them for the fall.

Also, I continue to cherish the hope that this blog will serve as a forum for queries from scholars, and the summer would seem an ideal time to post those. So if you have any queries about how to find this, and who said that, I’ll be glad to post those. I proposed this last summer, and received not a single query, but I suspect the cause was not a lack of queries, but a reluctance to reveal one’s ignorance. This summer I’m going to show the way by posting some queries of my own. I have a lot of them. Please send your own to

Let me leave you with a joke. Sorry if you’ve heard this one before.

A Franciscan priest sits down next to a Jesuit priest while riding a train to Rome. After a while the Franciscan notices that the Jesuit is smoking and praying.
Franciscan: I’m surprised to see you doing that.
Jesuit: Why’s that?
Franciscan: Well, our order asked the Holy Father for permission to do that and were denied.
Jesuit: Really? We asked the Pope, and he said we could. What did you ask him?
Franciscan: We asked if we could smoke while we prayed, and he said no.
Jesuit: Ahhhh! That’s the problem. We Jesuits asked if we could pray while we smoked, and he said, “of course!”

(Thanks to Jerry Dworkin.)

Upcoming Conferences

Philosophize This (Medieval) !

The Daily Nous has just turned me on to Stephen West’s podcast series, Philosophize This! West is very far being a professional philosopher (you should read his life story!), but, and in part for that reason, his podcasts are really great — clear, down-to-earth, witty, and tolerably accurate. (You have to listen to them — reading the transcripts doesn’t do them justice.)  The reason I’m posting this here is that West is currently working his way through the Middle Ages.  Check it out!