3 Conferences and 2 Calls for Papers



2. [belatedly, but perhaps still of interest] Nicole Oresme philosophe:
Philosophie naturelle et théorie de la connaissance à Paris au XIVe siècle
– Paris, November 16-17, 2012

3. Aristotelian natural philosophy in the early modern period – Ghent, May 23-24, 2013 [papers from 1300-1700]


Calls for Papers

1. Charles Schmitt Prize 2013 [sponsored by the Intellectual History Review; any area of intellectual history, 1500 to present; new PhDs only]

2. A special issue of the journal Humana.Mente on the Five Ways.

Five Recommended Links

It seems to be obligatory for a web site to have a page of links, but often these pages are both out of date and overwhelmingly long. I have spent a little time, over the last few weeks, trolling around looking for those web sites that seem exceptionally useful to our field. Here are some highlights.

First and foremost, there is the site Philosophia Medii Aevi, run out of the University of Salento by Loris Sturlese and Irene Zavattero. This is an extremely impressive effort, going back years now, to do essentially what In medias aims to do: publicize activities in our field. It is kept impressively up to date, and I will be mining it for future posts.

Second, and not far behind, are Jean-Luc Solère’s herculean efforts, under the auspices of the SIEPM, to collect electronic texts, particularly pdfs of Renaissance editions: http://capricorn.bc.edu/siepm/.  Other sites – in particular Dana Sutton’s  Bibliography of Neo-Latin Texts – attempt to cover similar territory, but Solère concentrates exclusively on philosophical texts, and has converted everything to pdfs and then downloaded them to the Boston College server, meaning that the URL won’t be moved at some librarian’s whim. The site is a bit labyrinthine – it takes some exploring to figure out where things are – but there is an amazing amount here. Jean-Luc has clearly put a great deal of work into this, and I am sure he  would welcome information about texts he is missing, broken links, etc.

Third, as anyone specializing in Arabic material doubtless knows already, there is a fairly miraculous site that gathers together a great deal of useful and not readily accessible material pertaining to Islamic philosophy: http://www.muslimphilosophy.com/ .  This includes both Arabic texts and English translations, and much more too. The site, created by Muhammad Hozien, seems to be no longer active, but there is enough there to make it useful for a long time to come.

Fourth, another site so impressive that it’s hard to believe it exists is Maarten van der Heijden and Bert Roest’s Catalogue of Franciscan Authors, running from the 13th to the 18th Century.  This provides detailed information on hundreds of figures, including not just brief biographies but also lists of editions, manuscripts, and secondary literature. This site is being lovingly kept up to date.

Fifth, although I am not sure it belongs in the same league as these other sites, there is my site Provisionalia, which attempts to provide brief essential information about every later medieval scholastic author who has been the subject of any scholarly research. My particular hope is to provide information about what works are extant for each given author, what editions are available, and what editions are in progress. The site will continue to be useful, though, only if scholars continue to send me information about editorial efforts that are in progress.

The journal formerly known as The Modern Schoolman

Bowing perhaps to the inevitable, the Philosophy Department at Saint Louis University is changing the name of the journal they have published there since 1925.  Beginning in 2013, The Modern Schoolman will be known as Res Philosophica.

Jon Jacobs, the current editor, has been energetically putting together a series of special double issues, with distinguished invited contributors, to complete the 2012 run under the old name. Volumes will be coming out very soon on late scholasticism and medieval philosophy of religion.

More special issues are planned for the first few years under the new name, though Jon tells me their long-term plan is to print more unsolicited papers and run fewer special issues. What kind of work do they hope to publish? Jon says: “The journal will continue to publish excellent work in the history of philosophy, alongside papers from the contemporary landscape.”  There will also be an annual essay prize, the inaugural topic being Kierkegaard.

For more information, including an interesting history of the journal, see http://www.resphilosophica.org.