PhD Theses in Western Europe

Below is a list of PhD theses in progress in medieval philosophy. I’ve attempted to do for Western Europe what I did in an earlier post for North America, but I am aware that this list is far from complete. After trying to fill in details for several months now, I’ve decided to post the list as it is. I will of course be glad to make additions and corrections.

It would be lovely to carry on and cover the rest of the world – there are doubtless theses underway in Eastern Europe, through the Islamic world, the Far East, South America, and NZ/Australia. But I’m not going to try to go any farther. If others want to send me information about theses in progress, anywhere in the world, I’ll very gladly post it.

United Kingdom


Michael Engel (Marenbon), Elijah Del Medigo’s Theory of Human Intellect

Evan King (Hedley), Berthold of Moosburg


Nicolas Vaughan (Trifogli), Ockham’s logic

King’s College / London

Katja Krause (Adamson), Aquinas’ Theory of the Beatific Vision and its Background in Islamic Philosophy


St. Andrews

 Spencer Johnston (Read), Medieval Modal Syllogistics



Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa

Tommaso Alpina (Bertolacci), Avicenna’s psychology

Alessia Astesiano (Bertolacci), Avicenna’s physics and the doctrine of ‘minima naturalia’

Gaia Celli (Bertolacci), Hermannus Alemannus’s Latin translation of Aristotle’s ‘Rethoric’.


Evelina Miteva (Porro [Bari] ; Speer [Cologne]): La perfezione dell’uomo in Alberto Magno

Maria Evelina Malgieri (Roncali & Porro): Il commento alla Metafisica attribuito a Enrico di Gand

Nicolas Faucher (Porro [Bari], Boulnois [Paris]): La doctrine de la foi à la fin du XIIIe siècle

Friederike Schmiga (Porro [Bari] ; Robiglio [Leuven]) : Intellectual Curiosity in the Middle Ages

Alberto Labellarte (Porro): Le teorie monetarie nel Medioevo: Nicola Oresme, Gabriele Biel, Copernico


Università del Salento, Lecce / Universität zu Köln

Chiara PALADINI (Sturlese, Speer), La categoria della relazione nel pensiero di Meister Eckhart

Diana DI SEGNI (Sturlese, Speer), Mosè Maimonide e il Medioevo latino (con edizione critica di Dux neutrorum, lib. I)

Sara CIANCIOSO (Beccarisi, Speer), ll “De summo bono” di Ulrico di Strasburgo: Edizione critica di VI, III, 7-29

Università del Salento, Lecce / Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München

Myrtha EHLERT (Sturlese, Ricklin), L a ricezione della Vita Nuova di Dante fino alla prima edizione


Università del Salento, Lecce / Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Buenos Aires

Maria Mercedes RUVITUSO (Beccarisi, Leserre), El concepto de imagen en la obra di G. Agamben: entre estética e politica

Marcela BORELLI (Beccarisi, Magnavacca), Influencia agostiniana en el pensamiento petrarchesco

Gustavo FERNANDEZ WALKER (Beccarisi, Magnavacca), I “nuovi linguaggi di analisi” tra Oxford e Parigi: il caso della Quaestio di Nicola di Autrecourt



DECAIX, Veronique (BIARD),  Le mode d’être des objets intentionnels. Une étude du rôle de l’intellect constituant chez Thierry de Freiberg

PIMENTA PATTIO, Julio Agnello (BIARD), La philosophie de la connaissance dans les Dialectiques du XVI° siècle, de Rodolphus Agricola à Pierre de la Ramée

ROQUES, Magali (BIARD),   Substance, continuité et discretion selon Guillaume d’Ockham [graduated last December]


Han-jin Ko (Boulnois), La question du libre arbitre chez Augustin : – sources du libre arbitre et concept philosophique de l’acte volontaire humain

Ide Lévi [Fouche] (Boulnois),  Réalisme moral ou volontarisme théologique ? Le problème de l’indépendance des normes morales en contexte théiste (approches médiévales et contemporaines).

Hector Hernando Salinas-Leal (Boulnois), Logique et métaphysique de l’univocité selon jean duns scot et les premiers scotistes

Monica Calma [Brinzei] (Boulnois),  Evidence, doute et tremperie divine, édition critique et étude doctrinale du prologue aux sentences de Pierre d’Ailly

Camille Guyot de Villeneuve (Boulnois),  Le pur amour dans les écrits des béguines et des religieux proches du mouvement béguinal au xiiième-xivème siècle

Andrea Teixeira dos Reis (Boulnois), La conception thomasienne de justice dans l’Ethique à Nicomaque et la Somme theologique et la position de Albert le Grand

Jean-Marc Goglin (Boulnois), La liberté humaine chez saint Thomas d’Aquin

Anna Djintcharadze (Boulnois), Le statut logique et ontologique de l’argument de Saint Anselme dans la scolastique (xiiie-xive siècles)

Francois Delmas-Goyon (Boulnois), La traduction theologique et philosophique de la pensée et des intuitions spirituelles de Francois d’Assise par Bonaventure, Olieu et Duns Scot

Giovanna Pantiglioni [Bagnasco] (Imbach), Per l’edizione del Centheologicon di Eimerico di Campo

Ota Pavlicek (Imbach), La dimension philosophique et théologique de la pensée de maître Jérôme de Prague

Sophie Serra (Imbach), Nicole Oresme, exigences scientifiques et projet politique

Ana Rieger Schmidt (Imbach), Les premiers principes et la structure de la science suprême: investigation sur les principes de non-contradiction et tiers exclu chez quelques commentateurs médiévaux de la métaphysique d’Aristote

Anne-Clotilde Bossenec (Imbach), Traduction et commentaire du “Commentarius in Librum Ecclesiastae” de Saint Bonaventure

José Antonio Valdivia Fuenzalida (Imbach), Le problème des premiers principes chez Thomas d’Aquin

Charlotte Solignac (Imbach), La pensée de la lumière comme lumière pour la pensée chez Bonaventure de Bagnoregio

Gregoire Celier (Imbach), Saint Thomas et la question de l’éternité du monde

Steve Mai van Bartolen (Imbach), Étude sur le second commentaire au peri hermeneias de Boèce

Elsa Chirine Raveton (Imbach), L’attribut de simplicité divine chez Saint Thomas d’Aquin, John Duns Scot et Guillaume d’Ockham

Camille de Belloy (Imbach), Noétique et mystique: la question de l’immédiat dans la connaissance de soi et la connaissance de de Dieu d’après Ambroise Gardeil, interprète saint Thomas d’Aquin

Camille de Robert (Imbach), Les attributs divins chez Jean de Saint Thomas et Gonet

Fouad Mlih (Aouad), Avicenna’s Kitab al-Jadal




Ye Yang (Friedman & Robiglio) Pietro Pomponazzi on natural laws and religion: A study of his De incantationibus

Lei Siwen (Friedman), God and The Transcendentals in John Duns Scotus

Luca Gili (Friedman), Aquinas’s commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics, book XII: a historical and doctrinal study of the text

Can Laurens Loewe (Friedman), Human Action and Its Place in Nature: A Study of the Methodological Naturalism Underlying Thomas Aquinas’s Psychology and Metaphysics of Human Action [updated May 2017]

Jeremiah Reyes (Friedman), Thomas Aquinas and the Filipino Philosophy of Kapwa

Serena Masolini (Friedman & Robiglio), Reading Aristotle in Leuven. Continuity and innovation in Peter de Rivo’s commentaries on “De anima” and “De sensu et sensato”

Michaël Bauwens (Friedman), Contingency, Freedom, and Social Reality – Scotistic Metaphysics in a Contemporary and Systematic Perspective

Mingyu Ma (Friedman), Buridan’s semantics and ontology

Daniel De Haan (Robiglio & Houser [St. Thomas/Houston]), Necessary Existence and the Doctrine of Being in Avicenna’s Metaphysics

Barbara Bartocci (Robiglio), Walter Burley’s Notulae in Topicos and their Renaissance fortunes, with an edition of the text

Brian Garcia (Robiglio), Dominicus of Flanders and Henry of Gorkum on the internal senses and the human knowledge of the particulars




Timothy Riggs (Kukkonen) The Influence of Al-Farabi on Arabic Philosophical Psychology and Ethical and Political Theory with Consideration of the Relationship of his Philosophy to Greek Neoplatonism.



Han Thomas Adriaenssen (Nauta), Medieval and Early-Modern Scepticism

Nynke Boef (Nauta), Lefevre d’Etaples’s commentaries and translations of the Aristotelian Corpus

Annet den Haan (Nauta), Translation and Translation Theory in the  Renaissance: Manetti’s Translation of the New Testament

Michiel Hoeckx (Nauta), The Scholastic Background of Melanchthon’s Thought


Davide Cellamare (Bakker), Inventio Psychologiae: Origin and Status of Psychology, from Padua to Northern Europe in 16th and 17th Century

Adam Takahashi (Bakker & Thijssen), Intellect and Nature:  Greek and Arabic Heritage in the Philosophy of Albert the Great

Femke Kok (Bakker & Thijssen), The Role of Theology in John Buridan’s Metaphysics

John van den Bercken (Bakker), Alphonsus Vargas Toletanus on the Powers of the Soul



Suzanne Metselaar (Goris), The Doctrine of God as First Known in Bonaventure

Benno van Croesdijk (Goris), The Metaphysics of Nikolaus Bonetus: Critical Edition and Analysis




Andreas Lammer (Adamson), Avicenna’s Physics and its Reception in the Islamic World


Marieke Abram (Hoenen), At the Crossroads of Latin and Vernacular Theories of the Soul

Markus Erne (Hoenen), Mentalsprachtheorien im ‘Pariser’ Nominalismus des 14. Jahrhunderts (Johannes Buridan, Marsilius (von Inghen?), Pierre d’Ailly)

Jakob Heller (Hoenen), Der Begriff der Natur im späten Mittelalter

Helmut Linkenheil (Hoenen), Poppers Realismus und das Ziel der Philosophie

Mario Melidò (Pereira & Hoenen), Teologia Peripatetica. Eimerico di Campo e la cultura filosofica del tardo Medioevo

Luciano Micali (Hoenen), Latin Reactions to Vernacular Religious Concepts

Silvia Negri (Tristano & Hoenen), Forme di trasmissione del sapere all’Università di Parigi nel tardo ‘200: edizione critica della Summa Quaestionum Ordinariarum di Enrico di Gand (art. 25-30)

Giacomo Signore (Hoenen), Texts Accompanied by Texts in Late-Medieval Manuscripts: Analysis of the Transmission of Theological Knowledge in Latin and Vernacular Miscellanies

Ueli Zahnd (Hoenen), Vis verborum. Zur Denkbarkeit performativen Sprechens in ausgehendem Mittelalter und Reformationszeit



Claus A. Andersen (Perler), Metaphysics in Baroque Scotism (ca. 1620-1750)

Paolo Rubini (Perler), Pomponazzi’s Theory of Cognition

Anselm Oelze (Perler), Animal Cognition in Late Medieval Philosophy

Martin Klein (Perler), Materiality and Immateriality of the Soul: Fourteenth-Century Debates




Marco TOSTE (Suarez-Nani): The ‘Quaestiones super I-IV libros Politicorum’ by Peter of Auvergne. Critical Edition and Interpretative Study

Marc BAYARD (Suarez-Nani): Das dynamische sein bei Nicolaus Cusanus und Erich Przywara

Stève BOBILLIER (Suarez-Nani) :  La liberté et le mal dans la pensée médiévale : la démonologie de Pierre de Jean Olivi et de Richard de Médiavilla

Roberta PADLINA (Suarez-Nani): La théorie de la matière dans cinq questions anonymes du XIVème siècle




Nicola Polloni (Fidora & Crisciani [Pavia]), Dominicus Gundissalinus’ Ontology


Universidad Complutense, Madrid

Ana María MINECAN (Ramón Guerrero), Recepción de la Física de Aristóteles en el mundo medieval latino

PhDs in Argentina

This spring, I posted a list of medieval PhD dissertations in progress in North America. Next week, I’ll be posting a list of medieval philosophy dissertations in progress in Western Europe. In the course of collecting that information, I received a list of PhD dissertations in progress in Buenos Aires, which I’m happy to post here. If others around the globe wish to send further information about PhD dissertations in progress, I’ll be glad to post those as well.


Universidad de Buenos Aires

Francisco Bastitta Harriet (D’Amico), “Influencia de la noción de libertad de Gregorio Niseno sobre la filosofía del siglo XV en Italia a través de la recepción de sus textos”

Julio Lastra Sheridan (D’Amico), “La causalidad dionisiana en la lectura de  Alberto Magno. Análisis filológico y filosófico del comentario albertista al De divinis nominibus

Lucas Oro Hershein (D’Amico), “Misticismo, neoplatonismo y pensamiento sintético: el problema de la filiación del pensamiento de Ibn Gabirol”

Victoria Arroche (Bertelloni), “Modelos causales neoplatónicos y aristotélicos en la Monarchia de Dante Alighieri”

Porro to Paris

Effective this coming fall, Pasquale Porro (currently at Bari) will be taking up the chair of history of medieval philosophy at the University of Paris-IV Sorbonne.  He will direct the Centre de Recherche Pierre Abélard.

He will be replacing Ruedi Imbach, who is retiring.

Gallica privatization plan

Earlier this year, the Bibliothèque nationale de France announced plans to privatize the library’s digitization efforts, including the BnF’s invaluable website, Gallica. A petition has been created against this development, which you can read here and add your name to, if you wish to protest these plans.