Summer Conferences

Cornell Summer Colloquium in Medieval Philosophy, May 30 – June 1, Cornell University

Thomas d’Aquin et ses sources arabes / Aquinas and ‘the Arabs’, 3-4 June 2013, Université de Paris – Sorbonne & Institut Catholique de Paris

Aquinas and Arabic Metaphysics, 7-8 June 2013, Universität Würzburg

UCLA MEMSA Graduate Student Conference: Pedagogical Approaches to Medieval and Early Modern Studies, June 7, 2013, UCLA.

“Virtue, Emotion and Practical Reason in Aristotle and the Aristotelian Tradition,” Eighth Annual Marquette University Summer Seminar on Aristotle and the Aristotelian Tradition. 24-26 June 2013, Marquette University

Two-Day Workshop on Ibn Rushd / Averroes and His Philosophy, 27-28 June 2013, Marquette University.

Philosophy in the Abrahamic Traditions, 10-12 July 2013, University of Denver

Plus, one more conference this spring:

UNUM VERUM BONUM – International Colloquium on Medieval Philosophy for MA, PhD and Post-doctoral students, April 4-6, 2013 (University of Lisbon & Catholic University of Portugal)

4 Spring Conferences

Metaphysics and Mind: Late Medieval and Early Modern Perspectives,
Global Scholar Seminar, Princeton University, February 16, 2013

Philosophy and Medicine in the Islamic World, Warburg Institute,
March 1-2, 2013

Society of Christian Philosophers, Mountain-Pacific Region Conference,”Faith and Reason”, March 8th-9th, 2013, University of Colorado at Boulder

The Ontology of Material Objects in Medieval Philosophy, University of Quebec at Montreal, May 3-4, 2013

3 Summer Programs

1. For teachers at U.S. universities: John Heil (Wash Univ., St. Louis) is running a 5-week NEH summer seminar on metaphysical issues in the philosophy of mind (10 June – 12 July 2013). This wouldn’t be relevant to In Medias, except that I ran into John at a medieval metaphysics session at the APA this last month, and he told me, unprompted, that he would “love” to get an application from a medievalist. Apparently, he’s been persuaded that the Middle Ages is the place to look for serious metaphysics.  These NEH seminars are fun, philosophically rewarding, and they pay! Deadline is March 4, 2013.

2. The Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, in conjunction with the American Academy in Rome, is in the third year of its summer Diploma Programme in Manuscript Studies — in particular, classes on paleography. This year’s classes will be held in Rome from 3 June through 12 July 2013. The deadline for applications is 1 February 2013. Both graduate students and professors are eligible to apply. There is tuition, but PIMS, remarkably, offers generous fellowships.

3. The classics department at my own University of Colorado at Boulder is hosting an online introduction to ancient Greek course, beginning this summer. The idea is to attract students from around the globe.

Still More 2012 Books

With the books below, together with two previous posts, I am now up to 57 books pertaining to medieval philosophy published in 2012. No doubt the list is still incomplete.

Sarah Byers, Perception, Sensibility and Moral Motivation in Augustine: A Stoic-Platonic Synthesis (CUP, 2012)

John Pagus on Aristotle’s “Categories”: A Study and Edition of the “Rationes super Praedicamenta Aristotelis,” edited by Heine Hansen (Leuven UP, 2012)

John Blund, Treatise on the Soul, translated by Michael Dunne, with facing Latin edition of R. W. Hunt (OUP, 2012)

Augustine Thompson, Francis of Assisi: A New Bibliography (Cornell, 2012)

Jon Miller (ed.), The Reception of Aristotle’s Ethics (CUP, 2012), including the following chapters:

4. St Augustine’s appropriation and transformation of Aristotelian eudaimonia, by Michael W. Tkacz

5. The Arabic and Islamic reception of the Nicomachean Ethics, by Anna Akasoy

6. Maimonides’ appropriation of Aristotle’s ethics, by Kenneth Seeskin

7. The relation of prudence and synderesis to happiness in the medieval commentaries on Aristotle’s ethics, by Anthony Celano

8. Using Seneca to read Aristotle: the curious methods of Buridan’s ethics, by Jack Zupko

9. Aristotle’s ethics in the Renaissance, by David Lines

Ian Wei, Intellectual Culture in Medieval Paris: Theologians and the University, c.1100-1330 (CUP, 2012)

Daniel Schwartz (ed.), Interpreting Suárez: Critical Essays (CUP, 2012)

Carlos Fraenkel, Philosophical Religions from Plato to Spinoza: Reason, Religion, and Autonomy (CUP, 2012)

Durand of St. Pourcain, Scriptum Super IV libros Sententiarum, Book II dd. 1-5, ed. F. Retucci (Peeters, 2012)

Durand of St. Pourcain, Scriptum super IV libros sententiarum, Book IV dd. 43-50, ed. Thomas Jeschke (Peeters, 2012)

Loris Sturlese and Elisa Rubino (eds.), Bibliotheca Eckhardiana Manuscripta: Studien zu den lateinischen Handschriften der Werke Meister Eckharts. Teilband 1: Avignon – Berlin, mit der Edition des Compendium Basileense Operis Tripartiti (Kohlhammer 2012)

Nathalie Gorochov, Naissance de l’Université: Les écoles de Paris d’Innocent III à Thomas d’Aquin (v. 1200 – v. 1245) (Honoré Champion 2012)

Pasquale Porro, Tommaso d’Aquino: Un profilo storico-filosofico (Carocci, 2012)

Guido Alliney, Marina Fedeli, Alessandro Pertosa (eds.) Contingenza e libertà Teorie francescane del primo Trecento (EUM Edizioni Università di Macerata, 2012)

John Duns Scotus, Freiheit, Tugenden und Naturgesetz, edited by Tobias Hoffmann with facing Latin (Herder, 2012)

Olga Weijers and Monica Calma, Le travail intellectuel à la Faculté des arts de Paris: textes et maîtres (ca. 1200-1500) IX. Répertoire des noms commençant par S-Z (Brepols, 2012)

Joël Biard and Sabine Rommevaux (eds.), La nature et le vide dans la physique médiévale. Études dédiées à Edward Grant (Brepols, 2012)

Maimonides, Les brouillons autographes du Dalâlat al-Hâ’irîn (Guide des égarés), edited by Colette Sirat and Silvia Di Donato (Vrin, 2012)

Riccardo Chiaradonna, Il platonismo e le scienze (Carocci, 2012)

Gerson Moreno-Riaño and Cary J. Nederman (eds.), A Companion to Marsilius (Brill, 2012)

Kent Emery, Jr., W.J. Courtenay, S.M. Metzger (eds.), Philosophy and Theology in the ‘Studia’ of the Religious Orders and at Papal and Royal Courts Acts of the XVth Annual Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, University of Notre Dame, 8-10 October 2008  (Brepols, 2012)

Alessandra Beccarisi (ed.), Eckhart (Carocci, 2012)

Henry of Lübeck, Quodlibet secundum, ed. Ubaldo Villani-Lubelli (Meiner, 2012)

Guido Alliney, Giovanni Duns Scoto. Introduzione al pensiero filosofico  (Edizioni di pagina, 2012)

Meister Eckhart, Das Geistbuch. Ein Traktat zur Vollkommenheit aus dem Umkreis Meister Eckharts, ed. Dagmar Gottschall (Brill, 2012)

Ibn Kammūna, Examen de la critique des trois religions monothéistes, translated by Simon Bellahsen (Vrin, 2012)

Dietrich of Freiberg, Œuvres choisies II: La vision béatifique, translated by Anne-Sophie Robin-Fabre and Ruedi Imbach (Vrin, 2012)

Julie Casteigt (ed.), Maître Eckhart (CERF, 2012)

Leo Strauss, Maïmonide (PUF, 2012)

Fernand Brunner, Etudes sur Maître Eckhart (Hermann, 2012)

Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, vols. 1-9 (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012) [originally published online from 2001-]


I know of the following deaths in 2012:

Curzio Chiesa (Geneva)

James Reilly (Toronto)

Vilém Herold (Charles University, Prague)

(Thanks to Steve Lahey for bringing this last to my attention. He wrote to me of Herold that “he was the great figure in the study of medieval philosophy there [at Charles University] for decades; indeed, when 1968 happened, he was forced to leave the university by the Soviets and drove a streetcar, all the while continuing to edit Wyclif. He was a wonderful man as well as a great scholar.”)

I might also mention these deaths from 2011:

David Reisman (Illinois/Chicago)

Alfonso Maierù (Rome)

Gareth Matthews (UMass/Amherst)