Various announcements

1. Gyula Klima is editing a new series with Springer, entitled Historical-Analytical Studies on Nature, Mind and Action. He is looking for book proposals, so contact him if you are interested.

2. The Research Group on Islamic Philosophy (University Mohamed I) is organizing a conference on al-Kindi and his School  to be held on October 23-24, 2013 in Oujda/Morocco. For more information contact Said El Bousklaoui.

3. German students (or students of German!) may be interested in a series of podcasts that Maarten Hoenen has made on the history of ancient and medieval philosophy — and on a range of other philosophical topics as well.

4. The medieval philosophy scene in the UK has gotten itself organized around a website that contains various useful links and lists. The organizers are John Marenbon, Anna Marmodoro, and John Sellars.

Some Hiring Results

Earlier this year I posted a list of jobs being advertised. I thought it would be interesting to look into who got hired, and here’s what I could find.

Institution Type AOS
Armstrong Atlantic State University TT Medieval or Modern Philosophy. Hired Julie Swanstrom, a Purdue PhD with an AOS in medieval.
Brown University Postdoc Medieval Philosophy (including Arabic Philosophy)Hired Rafael Nájera, a McGill PhD whose dissertation was on scientia in the 12th c.
College of Saint Benedict + Saint John’s University TT Ancient Philosophy OR Medieval Philosophy OR Ethics. Hired John Houston, a Purdue PhD with an AOS in ancient (and an AOC in medieval).
Georgetown University TT Central research is constructively engaged with the Catholic philosophical tradition, broadly construed.Hired Kristin Primus, a Princeton PhD, who works primarily on Spinoza and Leibniz.
Medieval Institute – Notre Dame Fixed term Medieval studiesThese Mellon postdocs are availably annually at the Medieval Institute. Judging from previous winners, they go to established junior scholars working on their second book.
Middle East Technical University (Arkana, Turkey) TT (?) Ancient and medieval philosophyNo response
Mississippi University for Women TT AOS open. AOC: Introduction to Philosophy, Ancient and Medieval, Logic, Modern Philosophy, Business Ethics, Contemporary Ethical ProblemsNo response
Missouri TT Any area in the history of philosophy prior to 1800.Hired Marina Folescu, a USC PhD who works primarily on Reid.
NYU – Abu Dhabi TT Open, with an emphasis on Arabric and Islamic Philosophy“We are unable to release the names of faculty hires at this time.” (!?)
Ohio State University TT Early Modern Philosophy or Late Medieval PhilosophyHired Julia von Bodelschwingh, a Yale PhD with a dissertation on Leibniz.
Spring Hill College TT AOS open. AOC:  Some combination of the following teaching competencies/interests desirable: continental, history (especially medieval or modern), Kant, aesthetics, environmental ethics, philosophy of education, or philosophy of gender/race
Hired Nate Zuckerman, a recent Chicago PhD who works on 19th/20th century continental philosophy, primarily Heidegger
St. Norbert College Open Contract Open, but applicants with expertise in Early Modern Philosophy, Metaphysics and Epistemology, or Medieval Philosophy/Philosophy of Religion are especially welcome.Hired as a temporary appointment Eric Hagedorn, a Notre Dame PhD, whose dissertation was on Ockham. They plan to make a tenure-track hire in medieval next year.