Postdoc in Siegen

I just discovered, in my spam filter, information about a postdoc at the University of Siegen (Germany). It is a thee-year position, to work on the DFG-project, “Nikolaus von Kues als Leser Platons und Aristoteles’: Kritische Edition und Studie der Cusanus-Marginalien”. More information at this link. Good paleographic skills are required. The deadline is tomorrow (Nov. 22, 2022), which is the reason for this special post.

Various Reports from the Field (November 2022)

Catholic University of America is advertising three (!) positions, all open-rank (!), particularly aimed at scholars working in ancient philosophy, Neoplatonism, and medieval philosophy. (Well, and also political philosophy.) Review of files begins December 13, 2022.

There’s a two-year postdoc at the University of Strasbourg being advertised, as part of a project on the Circulation of Medieval Knowledge in the 12th Century. The application deadline is December 15, 2022.

The University of Georgia is advertising an endowed professorship, at the senior level, in Jewish Studies. Although the position will be rostered in the Department of Religion, it is described as an “open-specialty search.” Application deadline is December 15, 2022.

The New Narratives Project is advertising 12-month postdocs for scholars who “will conduct research related to the retrieval and recognition of philosophical works by women and individuals from other marginalized groups in both the European and non-European traditions. The project is focused on the historical period from roughly the 9th century through to the early 20th century.” Review of applications begins January 3, 2023.

The Medieval Institute at Notre Dame is again advertising one-year junior faculty fellowships, “designed for junior faculty who currently hold a position in a North American university as an assistant professor.” The application deadline is February 1, 2023.

Emily Corran (UCL/IEA-Paris) and Christophe Grellard (EPHE) have organized an interdisciplinary seminar on Conscience and the Sources of Moral Authority, which will be meeting at the Sorbonne, and online, throughout this academic year. The first meeting is tomorrow (Friday, Nov. 18th, 2022). Details are available here.

Happening today and tomorrow, but still worth mentioning, is an international conference on Jean de Jandun et son temps: Nouvelles perspectives de recherche (Paris, Nov. 17-18, 2022).

Also in Paris, a Journée d’études at the intersection of philosophy and history of science has been announced on the subject, Errare (et perseverare): Erreurs et corrections à la fin du Moyen Âge (December 8, 2022).

Yet another upcoming event in Paris (it must be exhausting) is a two-day conference on La nature au Moyen Âge (Dec. 1-2, 2022).

The British Society for the History of Philosophy is advertising its annual Graduate Essay Prize. The application deadline is November 30, 2022.

The Aquinas and the Arabs International Working Group is holding a conference Istanbul next spring (May 29 – June 1, 2023). The deadline to express interest in attending was yesterday (November 16). If you wish you had known about this earlier, or are hoping that it’s not to late to be involved, contact Brett Yardley, who will at least sign you up for future emails.

The annual Marquette Summer Seminar on Aristotle and the Aristotelian Traditions (June 19-21, 2023) has now being announced, on the theme Logos, Logic and Metaphysics. The meeting will be in person, in Milwaukee. Abstracts should be submitted by February 15, 2023.

Finally, from Stephen Presser (Northwestern) ….